Equity pooling is a financial tool that diversifies a concentrated private stock position, normally acquired through stock options or founder shares. Use of pooling reduces risk and maximizes the economic outcome of this position. This simulator visualizes such outcomes.
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Having trouble deciding where to start? Check out these popular simulations:
Position:$800,000 equity in Round B company.
Scenario:Assuming a 9-year Seed to Exit mean time and a 12% Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on the asset class in a portfolio.
Portfolio Composition:2 seed startups, 25 round A startups, and 3 round B startups.
Position:$20,000 equity in Round A company.
Scenario:Assuming a 9-year Seed to Exit mean time and a 10% Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on the asset class in a portfolio.
Portfolio Composition:5 round A startups.
Position:$500,000 equity in Round C company.
Scenario:Assuming a 10-year Seed to Exit mean time and a 15% Internal Rate of Return (IRR) on the asset class in a portfolio.
Portfolio Composition:1 seed startup, 20 round A startups, 10 round B startups, and 4 round C startups.